Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Work took me to Dallas last week. I boarded a plane bright and early Monday morning and was greeted by white, fluffy snow EVERYWHERE when I landed. I even had left over snow on my rental car. It was absolutely beautiful! I took a couple of pictures with my crappy cell phone...

Well, we're 18 days into the first month of the year and I can say with full confidence that I've stayed true to my resolutions. I've worked out more times a week than I have since high school, I'm definitely eating better (and punishing myself with guilt when I eat crappy), Rick and I are running on a semi-regular basis, and I really feel like my attitude towards various things has changed. I feel AWESOME!! It's amazing what can be done when you really concentrate and put forth tons of effort.

Rick and I are looking into taking a vacation this summer. We're looking at going somewhere tropical like Cozumel, Jamaica, or some other Caribbean island, but we're also looking destinations like Los Angeles, New York City, and Vegas. I think I'm probably going to rule Vegas out because it's somewhere we can go for a quick weekend getaway. I would love to go to New York City because it's been years since I've been and I would love to show it to Rick, but something's telling me that maybe I should save this trip for another time. Neither one of us have been to Los Angeles and I'm fascinated by what I see on TV, and I think it would be a fun vacation. As much as I debate and try to rule out possibilities, I think I've pretty much made up my mind. Neither one of us have ever been out of the country, except across the border to Mexico in little border towns, and I think this might be the summer that we travel internationally. Hopefully I'll make up my mind in the next month or two, and we'll book the trip for some time in the summer. If anyone has any recommendations about tropical travel spots, please send them over!

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