Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What in the World...

*Disclaimer: This is a brutally honest and opinionated Kellie-type of post*

...has society come to?! Two things have really bothered me today: we have all kinds of news outlets reporting on Lindsay Lohan and how she's failed drug tests and is going back to rehab (for the 5th time?), and we have a psychotic 19-year old running through UT's campus with an AK-47 that offs himself in the library. Really?! This is the life we live and these are the things we have to hear about and live with?

Okay, so we have no control over this idiotic 19-year old kid. We don't know why he did what he did, we don't know what drove him to this point, we don't know what his home-life is like, we don't know anything, and the only thing we can do is speculate. There's no point in speculating what drove this person to make the decision that he did because we'll never know the REAL answer. What we can say, however, is that this was an extremely selfish act that he committed. A person who commits suicide, in my opinion, is a coward whom can't handle life. But this person didn't just commit suicide. No, he didn't. He thought it would be cool to run through campus shooting rounds of bullets into the air, to point this weapon at people, and to run through campus holding his weapon and wave at people on his way to the library where he inevitably took his own life. An entire university was completely locked down because of this idiot. Innocent professors, students, and University employees were scared for their lives because of this person. People were convinced that this was another 1966 Charles Whitman incident where numerous innocent people lost their lives or were injured at the hands of another. Let's not even get started on how much money this costs the city, state, and federal government with all of the police officers, SWAT teams, EMS teams, bomb quads, and military personnel that had to be called in. Most of all, he hurt his family who loved and cared for him, the people who thought "he would NEVER do something like this," and now they're left all alone without answers and missing puzzle pieces. This is a really, really sad world that we live in. It's sad that the people who go to school to further their education, or further their education to move forward in their career can't even feel comfortable at school. School should be the one place that people can feel comfortable at. People rely on school and education to make a better life for themselves. But, how can people even focus on school or education when there was psychotic idiot running through campus armed with an AK-47 the day before? In what shape or form does this positively influence our future? Why do people like this person even exist? Why create such a negative, threatening, scary environment? We'll never know the answers to these questions. I think many of us think "things happen for a reason." Boy, would I love to hear the reason behind this act! As far as I'm concerned, this was a selfish, selfish act committed by a blithering idiot that resulted in wasted money, time, effort, and it created a hostile environment for the entire UT family and the city of Austin.

Now, on to a subject that angers me even more than the above subject, Lindsay "Lindsanity" Lohan. Who gives a rat's ass about this dumb girl who doesn't even care enough to help herself? Well, apparently we, America, cares. I'll tell you right now I couldn't care less! I am so sick and tired of hearing about this pathetic, low-life loser of a human being. Put her ass in jail already and leave her there!! Why is she getting preferential treatment?! And why the hell is every newspaper, morning show, celeb website, and blogger giving her press? I personally know people who have done less and have definitely been punished more than this loser. For God's sake, she's admitting herself to rehab for the 5th time! She's not doing it because she wants to. She's doing it because she thinks it's going to help her in court. How about this Lindsay...why don't you just STOP snorting the cocaine and drinking the alcohol? No one wants to hear your crying bull-crap that you're suffering from a disease of addiction. I've seen addiction! You, my dear, are not suffering from addiction. You suffer from being a spoiled brat who gets what she wants, when she wants, at the drop of a pin. Seriously, what is it going to take to get a judge to punish this girl correctly? She's had multiple DUI and possession charges and hasn't really paid the consequences of these charges. I know of people serving months, even a year, for a fraction of what this loser has been charged with. It's bad enough that she isn't being punished by the court, but it's even worse that she's getting press for her bad behavior. This dumb, world of a loser girl (she's old enough to be considered a woman but definitely doesn't act like one) doesn't deserve the press or the preferential treatment. What has she done, that makes her SO special, that she gets treated this way? Has she served overseas to fight for us in the war? No. Does she do any kind of charity work? No, and court-ordered community service doesn't count (insert snicker). Has she made some sort of ground-breaking, life-changing discovery? No. Really...what has she done? It's extremely sad that a loser like this is rewarded for her bad behavior. She gets in trouble for a DUI or possession charge, receives probation as punishment, violates probation, gets press for it from start to finish (news casts, magazines, websites...they're all talking about her!), and then is rewarded with a magazine shoot or movie role. She could commit murder and get away with it, AND still end up with a job that pays her thousands of dollars. What kind of message is this sending? What kind of example is this setting? It sends a horrible message and it sets a horrible example. Lock her ass up, stop having whole segments about her on national broadcasts (I'm talking to you, Matt Lauer), stop giving her jobs as rewards for her horrible behavior, and she'll eventually learn her lesson.


I'll try to make my next post a happier post but one reason why I started this blog was to voice my opinion on various things, and I've FINALLY exercised that reason.

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