Friday, May 6, 2011

Historical Week

This last week has been one of the most historical weeks of my little 25 years of life. A Royal Wedding, the death of Osama bin Laden, and Mariah Carey gave birth! Just kidding about that last one, haha!

I was kind of against the whole Royal Wedding thing from the beginning. I didn't understand why it was such a huge deal. I didn't like that news stations had a countdown for it and talked about it every damn day and I didn't like that it took front stage over other important news stories. Then...I found myself up at 5 AM, on the couch, watching the wedding on TV. I was supposed to go to a spin class but decided that the Royal Wedding was much more important than a workout. Five minutes into it and I was hooked! I fell in love with two people I didn't know anything about and had never cared about them before, EVER, and I fell in love with the idea that real fairytale princess stories do exist! I was dumbfounded and amazed. I couldn't look away. And, I hated that I had to get my butt up off the couch and get ready for work! I continued watching until I had to leave for work. When I got to work, I immediately turned on the TV and changed it to a channel that had wedding coverage. Later, I found myself researching the Royal family, Kate Middleton's family, and I even researched Princess Diana. At the end of the day, I realized that this was a big day in history even though it had nothing to do with me or my country, and I'm happy I got to see it all unfold. For me, it was really cool to see a fairytale come to life.

As if the Royal Wedding wasn't historical enough... I'm watching one of my favorite shows Sunday night, The Real Housewives of Orange County (laugh away!), and I'm checking Twitter to see what everyone is saying about the show and I see that Osama bin Laden has been killed!!! I don't know if it's wrong or right to cheer about someone's death but I couldn't have been more thrilled about it. I have friends and family whom have gone to war overseas, who are at war now, or who are about to leave for war, and for me, it was a huge milestone in history that has been a big part of my life. I'm sure that al-Qaeda will find another leader for their group and I'm sure that bin Laden's death will not come without repercussions, but I, along with many other Americans, have been waiting for this day for a really long time. Now, I guess we just sit and wait to see what happens next...

Two historical events within one week...absolutely awesome! :D

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